Ceramic Arts
Studio: The Legacy of Betty Harrington by Donald-Brian Johnson, Timothy J. Holthaus, and James E.
Petzold, is the first comprehensive look at the Studio and its principal
designer. In addition to a complete visual depiction of virtually all pieces
released by CAS, the book includes detailed information on the firm's early
years, as well as Betty Harrington's artistic pursuits after its close. Vintage
catalogs, ads, and original designs are included, as well as a current inventory/price
guide. Completing the Studio picture are interviews with company owner Reuben
Sand, early designer and co-founder Lawrence Rabbitt, Studio personnel, family
members, and of course, Betty Harrington herself. While definitely a useful
guide for today’s collectors, Ceramic Arts Studio: The Legacy of Betty
Harrington is also an in-depth guide to the life of an artist.